Preston Acne Pros
Congestive Acne Therapist Certification
The Preston Congestive Acne Therapist Certification Program combines a profound understanding of the causes and influences in congestive acne, comedone identification and extraction training, as well as extremely valuable business insights to help Estheticians grow
and profit from their practices.
The Experience
This educational experience is especially designed to build professional confidence as an acne therapist. Our certification program is not intended to be the only acne education a skincare professional will need, but a great starting point or compliment to other classes and training. Many of our attendees have certifications from a variety of popular resources, but find our content uniquely refreshing and insightful. After all, learning is a process, not a final destination.

Product Choices
While we use both Face Reality and/or Preston Skincare products in our training, the results Estheticians can achieve through the Preston Acne Pros are in no way limited by preferred product choice. The techniques are compatible with virtually any professional skincare line.
The Program
The Preston Congestive Acne Therapist Certification Program includes the following:
Video training: Mastering Congestive Acne—Analysis and Treatment
Video training: Mastering the Art of Comedone Extractions
Video training: The Client Consult Class (to improve consultation skill)
Video training: The Retail Sales Class (to build retail sales confidence)
All class materials
Certificate of Completion
Membership in our Facebook Group "Preston Rxtractor Users Circle" where you can post any questions regarding your acne training or business for expert answers directly from Douglas Preston

"I learned so much from yesterday’s Congestive Acne course and can’t wait for the next training. Douglas Preston has built an immensely successful business, with the help of his fantastic wife Cathy. He loves the services he performs and has built long-lasting relationships with his clientele. I really respect and admire his overall approach to business and will take his tips along with me as I grow in this industry."